Horace Campbell

Horace G. Campbell holds a joint Professorship in the Department of African American Studies and the Department of Political Science at Syracuse University. Professor Campbell has published widely.

In the period 2016-2018, he served as the Distinguished Kwame Nkrumah Chair, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. From 1981 -1087, he taught in the Department of Political Science at the University of Dar es Salaam where he was the Secretary of the University Liberation Committee for Southern Africa.

In 2021, he was one of the four rapporteurs for the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the United States. https://inquirycommission.org/ 

He is the Chairperson of the Global Pan African Movement (North American delegation) and Director of the Africa Initiative at Syracuse University. 


Stefaniyemiya Ingram


Verene Shepherd